Organization of the service before the procedure

The time before the procedure is devoted to - mainly by phone - arranging organizational details, such as where the implantation will take place, what will be needed at the hospital, etc., how much time you need to spend in the hospital, filling out the anesthesiological questionnaire, clarifying doubts about the management of the situation when blood-clotting drugs are used. We can contact by phone, also on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays tel. 503 119 105.

Port implantation, like any medical procedure financed and billed by the National Health Service, must be carried out according to certain rules.

On the day before the procedure, you must:

  • in the evening, on the day before implantation, I strongly urge you to thoroughly wash your chest in the area of the clavicles and neck with a sponge and soap. This is important to prevent surgical field infections during the procedure,

  • the front surface of the chest must be shaved. It is sufficient to carefully shave the skin a hand's width above and below the right clavicle, from the sternum to the shoulder.

On the day of the procedure, you must:

  • be fasting - a fasting stomach is an empty stomach, containing neither solid foods nor liquids. It is completely sufficient that solid foods are not taken in the three hours preceding admission to the hospital. Up to two hours before admission to the hospital, you can drink up to half a glass of liquid that does not contain solids,

  • have two-piece pajamas or lightweight athletic clothes and slippers,

  • report at the appointed time to office 95, the registration desk of the General Surgical Department, which is located in the outpatient clinic, on the first floor, at the end of the corridor where the X-ray labs are (it can be assumed that from the time you enter the registration desk (office 95) to the time you leave the hospital, about four hours will elapse.

  • Have a referral to the hospital for port implantation (patients are most often referred by oncologists, but the referral can also be issued by a PCP. Regardless of who issues it, it should be to the department of general surgery (departmental code 4500), "insertion of implantable venous access (ICD9 code 86.07)" should be indicated as the purpose of treatment, and the start or continuation of chemotherapy should be included as a justification),

  • at the time of admission to the hospital to give informed consent for this procedure, so it is important to ensure that patients receive the necessary information early, allowing them to form an idea of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed solution, have time to think about it, discuss it with other doctors, learn about alternative treatments (in the case of ports, the matter is simple - there are no alternatives),

Necessary laboratory tests are performed after admission to the hospital ward.